Power surge causes blackout at National Stadium

Independence Park Limited (IPL) says a power surge caused Sunday night's blackout at the National Stadium complex, which affected an international netball match between Jamaica and England.

A football match was also affected.

In a media release yesterday morning, the IPL, which operates the National Indoor Sports Centre where the netball match was taking place, said even if a generator was in place it would have taken between seven and 10 minutes to return power.

netball match

At the time the electricity went, a minute and 15 seconds were left in the fourth quarter of the Jamaica-England netball match.

Jamaica's coaching team later agreed to award the match to England who were leading 55-47.

The IPL says it would not have been able to restore power within the international standard time of 10 minutes.

President of Netball Jamaica Marva Bernard said the situation was embarrassing.

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