Phone thief sentenced

A groundsman employed at a police station in the Corporate Area was sentenced to three months' imprisonment on Friday for stealing a cellular phone belonging to a police sergeant who also works at the station.

Charged with simple larceny is Dwight Ellis.

He pleaded guilty to the offence.

The court heard that Ellis, who is employed as the groundsman at CISOCA, was found in possession of the device, following an unsuccessful search in which he himself supposedly gave a helping hand.

Allegations are that Ellis washed a motor vehicle belonging to the officer, after which the phone went missing.

The sergeant told the court, "Your honour, I went to his quarters with an inspector and told him I was going to search, and he said go ahead. we found the phone there."

phone found

Ellis told the court, "I found it beside the rubbish."

Senior Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey asked the accused, "Why didn't you just tell her you have the phone when she came to your quarters?"

"She didn't give me a chance," said Ellis.

He went on to tell the court that on the day the device went missing, the sergeant had left the station and he was calling her to tell her he had found the phone.

However, he claimed that him hung up on him and told she did not want to hear anything.

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