Farm destroyed by fire

Jolyn Bryan, Star Writer

Firefighters perform coolingdown exercises at the farm in Albion. - Jolyn Bryan

Fire destroyed a nine-acre farm in Albion, St Thomas, yesterday. Reports indicate that the fire was spotted on the property about 10 a.m., and a call was made to the fire department.

One unit from the Morant Bay Fire Station responded to the blaze, but was unable to stop the destruction of the farm, two acres of which were mangoes about to be harvested.

The damage is estimated to be $2.6 million.

Cleon Fagan, owner of the property, said that he believed the loss could have been reduced if the fire truck at Yallahs Fire Station was in good working condition.

The Yallahs truck is currently out of service for repairs. It is believed to be the only one of its kind left from a 1996 fleet, and frequently malfunctions.

The fire is believed to be the work of arsonists, though up to press time last night, no formal police report has been filed. The farm was not insured.

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