Men make sex video for UK Visas

Go into hiding after tape released

Two Manchester men who were taped having sex have reportedly gone into hiding after the release of the video which has since gone viral, receiving thousands of shares on various social media sites.

Information reaching THE STAR is that the video was shot in bushes in Porus and starred a well known 'hype' socialite from the area, who has children with at least three women.

According to a source, the men, hell bent on getting into England, had concocted an elaborate scheme, claiming they were gays and were being sexually harassed. They were seeking to get asylum in the United Kingdom, using a UK-based contact.

The British contact, who turned out to be a fraud or a plain mischief maker, instructed the men to make a video to prove their sexual orientation and send same to him.

Therefore, the two, along with a third party who operated the camera, put on a pornographic show before uploading the video to their British contact.

However, instead of the expected British visas, the contact began to share the video on every available media, including phones, Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media sites.

"Me know the two boy them, a same place a Porus them come from," a female viewer shared with THE STAR. "Da one deh in the cap is the bleach out face hype-up boy from round a (street name deleted). And look pon them size, no sah."

A male viewer expressed his disgust at the video, saying: "Me hear that him say a kill him ago kill himself."

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