One of the jurorswho served onthe 11-member panelthat convicted entertainer Vybz Kartel has revealed that the discussions in the jury room sometimes strayed tomatters that were not related to the trial.
Dennis Brown, the manwho served as jurornumber six, admitted in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday that in one of those deliberations,they discussedplans for a party to be held in Port Royal.
Brown was testifyingduringcross-examinationin the corruption trial of Livingston Cain, the juror accused of trying to bribe other jurors in the Kartel murder trial.
His testimony provided a behind-the-scenes peakatone of the country's most high-profile murder trials, whichended with the conviction of the popular entertainer, one of his protégés,Shawn 'Shawn Storm' Campbell and two other men.
Responding to questions from Cain's lead attorney, Valerie Neita-Robertson, Brown - who has acknowledgedthat he and at least one other jurorserved on a previous case - agreed that the discussions in the jury room during theKartel murder trial sometimes included personal issues.
Neita-Robertson suggested to the witness that this was the reason her client becameupset and, at one point,threatened not to return to court.
The trial continues today.
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