Persons with severe chik-v symptoms urged to seek medical care

Acting chief medical officer, Dr Marion Bullock DuCasse has urged persons with severe symptoms of chikungunya to seek medical treatment immediately, at a health centre or their doctor.

Symptoms of chikungunya fever include high fever, joint pain, mainly in the hands, wrists and ankles, and other joints, headache, muscle pain, and a rash.

Persons at high risk for severe symptoms include infants, children under five years old, pregnant women, the elderly and persons with sickle cell and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

mild symptoms

She said the majority of persons will experience mild symptoms, which usually resolve a few days after taking paracetamol for fever, ensuring they are properly hydrated and rested. However, if symptoms persist or become severe, persons should seek medical attention at a hospital.

"In the case of infants and young children, persons should ensure they are properly hydrated, and either given medicine to reduce fever or take measures such as placing a cool, damp wash rag on the forehead, and given a sponge bath, using water at room temperature to reduce their temperature. Do not use alcohol. This should be started even before they are taken to the doctor," she said.

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