Bus Driver allegedly found with uncustomed goods

The driver of a bus, who was allegedly found in possession of uncustomed goods, was hauled before the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court on Wednesday.

Charged with possession of uncustomed goods, conspiracy to steal uncustomed goods and simple larceny is Garfield Senior of a Clarendon address. He was ordered fingerprinted.

The Crown is alleging that Senior was the driver of a bus which contained numerous amounts of uncustomed cigarettes. Senior was trailed by police and customs officers, who intercepted the vehicle along Seventh Street in Greenwich Farm, Kingston 13. The cigarettes belonged to a transshipment container that was broken into while at the Kingston Container Terminal.

In court, Ernie Smith, the attorney representing Senior, bemoaned the allegations of the Crown. He dismissed claims that Smith was driving a vehicle or that he even rented a vehicle.

However, the prosecution revealed that Senior called a man, paid him for the use of his vehicle and offered to meet him along Spanish Town Road.

Senior was to return the vehicle at midday the following day, but he telephoned the man, telling him to report the vehicle stolen. The police were later brought into the matter and Senior was arrested.

The matter is set for mention on April 9.

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