Teen to face court for neglecting 7-month-old baby

Rasbert Turner, STAR Writer

A St Catherine teenager who reportedly left her seven-month-old baby at home and went out for the night was remanded to a place of safety and is to face the St Catherine Children's Court, while her mother is to return on child negligence charge on July14.

When the matter was mentioned today, the court decided that only the grandmother could be charged with negligence as the girl was only 16.

She was remanded, however, after the clerk of court revealed that the Section 9, sub-section 1, of the Child Care and Protection Act said only an adult can be charged with cruelty to a child under the circumstance.

The child has been remanded as being in need of care and protection.

The court heard that on April 8, the teenager left the infant at home and went out. During her absence, the mother came and saw the child crawling around.

She then took the baby to the grandfather, but left the baby with a woman after the elder relative was not seen.

The police were called and following an investigation, the mother and grandmother were charged with cruelty to a child.

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