Portmore man freed of assault charge

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer

A man accused of using a shovel to injure a woman two years ago was freed in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court last week following a successful no-case submission by his lawyer.

He is Odane Smith, a 25-year-old labourer of Passagefort, Portmore, St Catherine.

When the case came up before Resident Magistrate (RM) Natalee Brooks, she ruled that Smith be freed as there were several discrepancies in the Crown's case.

The RM said the complainant's testimony differed from that of the doctor and the question of identification was not properly established.

She also agreed with attorney-at-law Vincent Wellesley that there was no mention of an identification parade being held or for how long did the complainant saw the accused.

The Crown led allegations that on June 12, 2012, the complainant was standing at her gate in Passagefort when she was attacked by the accused who stood behind her and hit in her face resulting in several injuries.

A report was subsequently made to the police and following investigations, Smith was arrested. He was later charged with assault occasioning bodily harm.

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