Accused fraudster remanded

Muerice Bodden was yesterday remanded until July 1 when he appeared before the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate's Court to answer to fraud charges. He will be sentenced on that day.

Bodden, who also goes by the name Andrew Powell, was remanded by the resident magistrate and a social-enquiry report was ordered before sentencing would be handed down.

The court heard that on the day in question, Bodden went to a bank in Portmore where he tendered a driver's licence bearing the name 'Andrew Powell' along with a cheque in the sum of $52,000.

An alert clerk observed the discrepancies, and after further checks were made, it was clear the ID was fake.

The police were called and the accused was arrested and charged with uttering and possession of forged documents.

When the matter came up before Resident Magistrate Vaughn Smith, his lawyer made an impassioned plea for leniency on the part of Bodden, who he claimed was misdirected.

"Your Honour, first of all, I want to let the court know that his name is not 'Andrew Powell' but Meurice Bodden. He did not waste the court's time and it is for this reason that I am asking that all consideration be given for leniency to be offered to my client," said the attorney.

Having heard that, the accused was subsequently remanded.

It was also revealed that he did not get any money from his fraudulent efforts.

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