No bail for accused fake inspector of police

An elderly man who is accused of fleecing money from unsuspecting motorists by pretending to be an inspector of police was remanded last Friday in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court.

Charged with impersonating police is 57-year-old Derrick Thompson.

He pleaded not guilty to the offence.

The court heard that Thompson, while using his own motor vehicle and without uniform, regularly drives down other motorists, pull them over and inspects car papers and other documents.

It is alleged that persons are demanded to pay money or face being prosecuted before they are released from the accused man's 'custody'.

Investigators believe that Thompson has scammed many road users, some of who fail to report such occurrences.

The court was told, however, that the police went looking for him after receiving reports from persons who allegedly paid him money.

He was subsequently pointed out in an identification parade.

Senior Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey told Thompson's attorney that his client has been before her more than once for similar offences.

RM Pusey did not entertain a bail application for Thompson, even after his lawyer claimed he was suffering from prostate cancer.

He is to return to court on February 5.

He was also ordered to give his fingerprints to the police.

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